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Real Motion – Fit for life in 30 minutes a week

Being fit is an important part of being healthy, along with eating healthy and getting enough sleep.

If you're just starting out on your fitness journey, then you don't need to over do it when you begin exercising. You need to awaken and build your muscles slowly at first. Research has shown that you can "workout" for 10 minutes a day, 3 times a week (30 minutes) – to start – to help strengthen the upper body and core.

Start slowly, then build on new skills and habits and increase your workouts. Real Motion can help. Read more about Real Motion

Real Motion functional fitness workouts are not just great for the beginners, but they are great for the already fit person who wants to try new things, be challenged and get stronger. You can workout more to get stronger, and then even go for performance training. It's up to you.

Real Motion™ is about helping you be fit for life. That's why I created the Real Motion Workouts and the free Bear Essentials Natural Movement Fitness Program.

I hope you enjoy and benefit from the Real Motion Workouts. They changed my life, and I hope they change your life, too.

Real Motions Workout DVDs and online


What came out of my transformation was a workout that provides a strong foundation for getting and staying fit and strong. I also developed Bear Essentials, a fitness program based on natural movement or animal flow principles

Fit and healthy

Real Motion Workout DVDs

Work, chores, play, sports, parenting, getting up and out, and whatever your day holds requires mobility and strength.

When you're fit and strong, all of life is easier, has fewer limits, and you can enjoy all the benefits of a healthy and mobile body.

When you're fit and healthy, you:

  • have a better quality of life now and as you get older
  • are more mobile and independent = freedom
  • build and maintain strong muscles and bones
  • avoid a sore back and other aches and pains
  • can have a flat belly (what you eat and exercise)
  • might even improve your game and libido (-;

If you can move, you can exercise. It doesn't matter what stage of life you are in, how old you are, or your current fitness level – we all need to exercise for good health and a better life.

Real Motion is exercise for your entire body, especially the core muscles (your abdomen around to your lower back). Real Motion uses your own body weight (and optional equipment) to help you get stronger, more mobile and flexible, and improve your balance with or without dumbbells.

When you are fit with a stronger upper body, core, and lower body with improved balance, mobility and flexibility, life is easier and more enjoyable.